Sans :: Frisk :: monster kid :: Asriel (Asriel Dreemurr) :: Deltarune :: Undertale AU :: Undertale персонажи :: Undertale комикс (Undertale комиксы) :: Undertale/Deltarune (Deltarune/Undertale) :: Undertale :: личное :: delta-experiment :: разное :: фэндомы

delta-experiment личное Undertale комикс Asriel Frisk monster kid Undertale AU Deltarune Sans #Undertale/Deltarune ...Undertale фэндомы Undertale персонажи 


If you’re worried it’11 be unsafe, then you guys should cone with! Absolutely not!! m Pleeease, cone on, duuude, it’ 11 be fuuun-

Haha, YEAH! Finally? I saw the creature on the first day of school. .. since then, it’s been hard to get that image out of my mind...

Meet ne at the church tomorrow at 10.
[SUNDRY. 10:00 A. h. . ] There’s something here, I can feel it! H-heh, yeah. . ann, I eady to find me creatures.
Неге we are, dude Scaaared?
Huh, I don’t see anything.
Hmmmm. .

the nome's sons ni ce to mectcho

Um, Frisk, I don’t know if you should do that-- Mom says it’s dangerous to-- no

delta-experiment,личное,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,monster kid,Undertale AU,Deltarune,Sans,Undertale/Deltarune,Deltarune/Undertale,разное
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lpov\dev' лд ‘"f you
t° 90 -W movies wg»«v сил Su«*rj.«<? I DON'T ICNOW WMAT TMI5 NALLOWE.EN 15,BUT IT GIVE5 ME. ALL 50RT 5 Of GOOD VIBES'-
fls it SHOULD?
B3T tok
Vou don’t need to try very hard to acconplish creepy, huh, sniley?
takes one to know one,

Growth Spurt Undertale фэндомы PotooBrigham,Potoo Brigham Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr Undertale персонажи Sans Alphys Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut) Frisk Napstablook monster kid Undertale AU

I DON'T ICNOW WMAT TMI5 NALLOWE.EN 15,BUT IT GIVE5 ME. ALL 50RT 5 Of GOOD VIBES'- fls it SHOULD? OO H! SANS! WMAT IEWLTKILD k BE.INGCKE.LrY B3T tok ? ElALLOWLLNr? Vou don’t need to try very hard to acconplish creepy, huh, sniley? takes one to know one, cabbage patch. FRIR ENOUGH