Настоящий ультрамарин защищает свою жену.
a true Ultramarine protects his wife
couldn't resist to do at least a sketchXa true Ultramarine protects his wife
couldn't resist to do at least a sketchXBy casey02kelly
S - sans, F - Frisk
S - "How do you find four leaf clovers so easily frisk? You weren't this good before."
F - "You just need to have a keen eye. You have to be aware of your surroundings and just keep looking."
S - "But it's tiring..."
F - "I can't argue with that honestly haha."
F - "Sans..."
S - "Yes little frisk?"
F - "Please stop mistaking me with someone else."
S - "what?"
F - "... nevermind."
By neko-priestess327
1. 3200 x 1800
2. 2560 x 1440
3. 1920 x 1080
4. 1600 х 900
5. 1366 х 768
6. 1280 x 720
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