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Undertale комикс Frisk Undertale персонажи Chara Sans Flowey Charisk длиннопост без перевода anime is real ...Undertale фэндомы Undertale shipping 

Entirely Made of Love part 4

Далее здесь будет то чего даже я не ожидал.  Автор: http://vulpeca.deviantart.com/

Woah. What an intense dream..was it random,or... They? Who do you mean? There are even children! HO WAV! Chara I won‘t kill then! Just no! I really believe, Chara isn't a demon V 1шмЁ ( / jgt,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale

Ho, you don't ч understand. It's different I won't do that! a I don't care!Vou know what? Just take ny SOUL and do your stuff alone! A WTF, CHflRfl! 9t9 I trust ^ you. I'll go ' and look if there are nore of then, so you have your own f reedon without ne l watching

Hey darlin',where's my beer?“- is now past. A Well... I have no choice One full week without our men. Feels great. Psst.seethe poncho? I heard psychotic tribes are here ^ somewhere.^ w I will ^ release her and then you‘11 get into the left van and you will leave this placet This girl'll

survive. Maybe really believe in it [ can also bring ny friends back I hope I can make then all happy. But I‘n not sure if it works. My OETERMIHRTION is strong enough to when I I can Фттпта^- Uhat if Chara continues destroying the world. I can't fight alone Rnd naybe when they are

Uh...ny head... feel...so...dizzy... Oh my gosh, I can‘t believe it, it really worked!? So that's what DETERMINATION really feels like? remember, our fight I didn't fight you, it was Chara! The first fallen human! you looked the same. W Don't you remember me? We went to the surface

НО ! DON'T SflV THAT! I KNOW THAT CHARA ISN'T A DEMON! HE'S A HUMAN. JUST LIKE I AM! Maybe he's afraid or... ^ or sad... I want a happy ending, it means all are happy in the end, including Chara! I don't want him to be left out! Killing him is no solution! I'm DETERMINED to see everyone ^

Vou just have to concentrate and think of Papyrus, like you really want hin ^ to cone back. hahah easybones! Uhhh- I f eel..ny tummy. Blergh- see, 1 kiddo, sometimes it’s better not to have a stomach... HEV, VOU STOP STOMPING Uhaaaat v but why? I was sure it would work. MV FACE WITH

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Sans,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale shipping,Charisk,длиннопост,без перевода,anime is real

Can you please snash this van into the ground? Don't worry, the owner won't cone back. Please don't ask me for details.... л T see you later, kiddo. Hopefully with all your friends! find now hurry and leave this place. I think Chara will cone back soon. Good luck! V See the van there? ^ I took

О-of course I an? I nean I saw it with ny own eyes. Han, they were so scared and cried ^ a lot... OH-UHM CHRRfl-T-THOT IS SIMPLE I-IT‘S- C-Chara? Hey, wait for me! Pthreatened the child, forced then to get all in one van, together they crashed now? Яге find an excuse. You know why I cane

Г Hey, maybe we should find shelter I don't like this weather very L much- a It's just a little bit rain,guys* Hehe... ^ sorry„see? Told you I don't like this weather, a It'll rain soon, let's go back! Oh I have r МОЙН LOOK AT ^ THIS? fire you siblings or what? Oh my-what a bad feeling about

Evil spirits, not children. Г I saw it in novies, l they are denons and ^^they have to burn! Cone on, you have no change? Just tell us, what you are and- T-Three vs one, that is not fair.... GHAHHH? I SMASH VOU INTO PIECES? Great r Phew... where should I go...? r I have T enough of your

DOH'T 00 THRTf ГН HOT Я OEHONT ГМ THE OKE к WHO SHOULD KILL What are you doing? Soon your denonic friend will join you, but first- I will end it before you curse us all! STAND STILL HO! WAIT! DON'T GO! I PROMISE I WON'T KILL VOU! PLERSE COME BACK! BURN IN HELL? Stupid ropes... have to

There you are... wait..is that... NO, UHflT DID VOU DO TO MY FRIENDS??? Vou nean your STUPID face? The denon burns in hell and so will you! Vour tine is over, denon! That was Chara, what's going on? CHRRfl, RRE VOU RLRIOHT? You're tough.... ^ even not afraid of ny face? л REALLY THINK OU

у -and 4 now the guy? I don't know uhat's happening there...what should I do I wish this all wouldn't have happened... I'm SO glad to see you! I heard you scream and I thought- Thank goodness that you're alive... I was so scared.. I couldn't believe they hurt

в I killed Inmans. Three Inmans. I had enough DETERMINATION to do it. I thought I would lie mini' »TP0IU1CP о nen i kill them. like usual. Mi О ь I lost all my powers, йге you liaf now? Von won't see a creepy face anymore* J * ' I don't get it. Since I went with you to the

RTTRCK ME? RLMRVS WTII RF! Iх 1 n J&'mm LL?1 \\,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Sans,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale shipping,Charisk,длиннопост,без перевода,anime is real


Undertale комикс Frisk Undertale персонажи Chara без перевода длиннопост Asriel anime is real ...Undertale фэндомы 

Entirely Made of Love part 3

Хэя, это снова я ваш Падюшка Санс, так как из-за дурацкого лимита в 30 минут я не могу загружать ещё страницы, я решил сделать что то типа длиннопоста, иными словами страниц будет даже больше. Автор: http://vulpeca.deviantart.com/

Wait... is that..the surface? I thought you would have destroyed the whole world. So because of ТНЙТ you agreed so easily-because you didn't have a choice. Ho natter what you do, you can't take ny SOUL because ny DETERMINATION is too strong? That was ny plan. Destroying the whole world with one

sati it all. Ue already made it to the surface but I wanted to know what happens when I would start l killing. IJhat ^ j exactly are you? The first fallen child died a long tine ago. Rre you a ghost or something like that? But ghosts wouldn't be that mean... A r Even when ^ it neans I have to

Вггг..Л feel so cold. Even in Snowdin it wasn‘ t that cold. Must be a difference between the underground and . the surface... lean hardly feel my legs... to death. If there's a car. there are also people. That means power for me-after I struck them down. and check if there really are people.

r Huh? 1 Mhat are you doing here, little boy? You also like the beautiful sunset? I cone here every day after work. у flh! Finally made it to ny favorite place? Don't be afraid, Гп not dangerous. I also have two little boys. You seen to be shy. Where are your parents? find when ^ I cone hone

Isn‘t It beautiful? It‘s so peaceful. Those moments makes life on earth so unique. It's something you can't replace. " BE CAREFUL, ГН FALLING! r ГИ so sorry for doing this but...because of that I have to save the ^ world! O-OKAY WE CAM STILL BE FRIENDS! J-JUST HURRV UP AND GRAB SOME STICK OR

 Don't be afraid, I won't be nad at you, just go and call for help! Please hurry up! I can‘t grab the rock any longer! It‘s very slippery here, I really need help! the world... T RESET? WHAT ARE VOU TALKING??? HEV ^ UHAHHHH! 7 I have to Vouwill do live again, so sorry. But Ж Ш after I

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,без перевода,длиннопост,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,anime is real

Hey, Chara? I have sonething for you. I found it in the bag of the guy I killed— W Hahah ^ ~ see? Wasn't 1 that hard? I renenber you talked about у Please ^ turn around and give it atry_ (without naking a creepy face if it's L. okay). A It would be helpful if you‘d stop-I think you nay like

Can we pest fora bit? IH tired™ Perfect» You know denons fl ifT U| ■ 1 V I 1 • 1 3 * w—*,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,без перевода,длиннопост,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,anime is real

You must be kidding Ho, it's true! They cane back f ron the hunt and brought 5 mountain goats We're lucky. Let's invite the whole village and prepare for a celebratory meal! / It's been months since we had real meat. Ф And Chara, you're a troublemaker. Don't you dare to get close to the

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,без перевода,длиннопост,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,anime is real

U‘LL BE T WHY CAN'T VOU JUST LISTEN TO US? GET RWAY CHORA WHAT FROM THEN, THEY HAVE TO DID WE BE PREPARED FOR THE SAY ABOUT CELEBRATION! THE GOATS? what are you RESPECT! You‘ll stay here! 3 days, bread and water! ENOUGH! Who do you think you are? I swear, if we‘ll see you outside All the

 They say 1 M \] c nl,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,без перевода,длиннопост,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,anime is real

I just junp and I won't even notice when I die I hope зЛш also tak care ofVn They say, if you die an animal will take сг This is deep. >n*t think you,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,без перевода,длиннопост,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,anime is real

Where an I?. Г11 take you to my mother. I know what to do. I will take ny revenge. I will be the one who's in charge! I will kill than П1 I □ / i? Щ Я V uhm... I don‘t know йь WL St H • л TTTTii ? г» i I " т •,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale


Undertale комикс Frisk Undertale персонажи Chara без перевода anime is real ...Undertale фэндомы 


Undertale комикс Frisk Undertale персонажи Asgore Flowey Chara без перевода anime is real ...Undertale фэндомы 

Entirely Made of Love part 1

Итак так как страницы копируются как арты я решил добавить несколько страниц, уверен вы должны оценить этот комикс. Автор: http://vulpeca.deviantart.com/

There‘s no need
to fight...
Why not settle t his over a nice cup of tea...?
Гт helpful!
I can be useful to you!
I promise I won't act in your way!
It was all a trick, see? I was waiting to kill him for you!
After all, it‘s me, your best friend!
Please don'T kill me!
See? I never

my bead...
1 feel
it wasn't
ne at
all....,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Asgore,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Chara,без перевода,anime is real

Thank you. Vour power awakened me from death. My „human soul." My „determination.** They were not mine, but VOURS.
At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life?,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale

Together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong. HP. ЯТК. DEF. GOLDIXP. LV. Every time a number increases.that feeling... t	Thats me.
With your guidance,
I realized the purpose of my reincarnation.
ERASE DO HOT,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale

Actually I didn't plan to erase it all.,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Asgore,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Chara,без перевода,anime is real

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Asgore,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Chara,без перевода,anime is real


Undertale комикс Frisk Undertale персонажи Chara ...Undertale фэндомы 

Entirely Made of Love

Приветствую всех и каждого, с вами Падюшка Санс (ну знайте Папа Дядюшка Duncle) и у меня для вас сюрприз. Я получил разрешение у Автора на загрузку одного хорошего комикса. Вот пока обложка. Автор: http://vulpeca.deviantart.com/

Entirely made of An Undertale Fancomic made by Vogurt Vard,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara


Undertale AU Undertale видео Sans Undertale персонажи Frisk Papyrus W. D. Gaster Chara Undertale shipping ...Undertale фэндомы 

We made a family! (Undertale comic dub)

Должен сказать я не фанат пейринга Санс и Фриск и вообще за Чариск и Санфис, но этот комикс довольно не обычный и миленький, к тому же комикс в котором даже Чара положительный персонаж имеет право на существование.

Undertale AU Killer!Sans Chara Undertale персонажи Undertale комикс ...Undertale фэндомы 

Who Really in Control

Я знаю этот комикс выглядит криво но его стоит заценить, в этом комиксе нам поведают небольшую историю Киллера Санса из Something New. ВНИМАНИЕ В КОМИКС МОГУТ ПРИСУСТВОВАТЬ ЖЕСТОКИЕ СЦЕНЫ ИЛИ КАДРЫ, CСЛАБОНЕРВНЫМ ИЛИ ФАГАМ ЧАРЫ ЛУЧШЕ ЭТО НЕ СМОТРЕТЬ.  Автор: http://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/tagged/killer%21sans

KiHtsr,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Killer!Sans,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы

Киллер Санс: Хэй Чара...  Как ты контролируешь "сбросы"?

Киллер Санс: Ты должно быть самая решительная, тогда могу я контролировать "сбросы" сейчас?

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Killer!Sans,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы

Киллер Санс: Я сейчас самый решительный, так что я должен быть тем кто всё управляет.

Чара: Ха Ха Ха  Санс серьёзно!? "который всем управляет"  ЧТО ЗА ШУТКА. Ха? !!!!

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Killer!Sans,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы


Киллер Санс: Для первого раза,   Я не шутил. Так что позволь мне сказать это снова.  


Чара: ААА

"Звуки удара ножом по конечностям" (я полагаю)

*б^ *5 <э,Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Killer!Sans,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы

Чара: Кто Б*** думаешь ты такой в...

Киллер Санс: Ты мне больше не нужна 

Надпись на Кнопке - Сброс

Чара: Нет Нет

Киллер Санс: Я устрою тебе страдание

Чара: Нет Санс Стой   Я могу быть полезной.


У меня лично к вам вопрос вам это ничего не напоминает?

Что ж. Чара отведала своего же лекарства.


Undertale AU Stoeyswap Chara Undertale персонажи Asriel ...Undertale фэндомы 


Из-за идиотской ошибки с полом Чары (в этой АВ Чара мальчик да ещё и андрогинной внешности) и раз уж я как бы перевожу эти арты или блог то пришлось удалить посты. Что ж, Storyswap это как Underswap, только вместо персонажей Подсказки местами поменялись персонажи Storyshift , то есть Чара тут как Блюберри а Азриэль как Кэррот (Подмена (Underswap) Санс и Папайрус). И если я правильно понял Андайн вместо Напстаблук Альфис, Санс вместо скелепапы Папайруса, Папайрус вместо Короля Санса, Альфис вместо киборга Андайн, Ториэль вместо учёного Асгора, Асгор вместо капитана Ториэль и Фриск вместо Шифти (Метта). Автор http://chara-storyswap.tumblr.com

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Stoeyswap,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr


Это Чара следующая Супер звезда и член Королевской Стражи.

Я здесь, чтобы ответить на некоторые ваши жгучие вопросы, которые вы хотите знать обо мне.

Так спрашиваете.

Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Stoeyswap,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr

Чара: Ура!  Азриэль здесь чтобы тоже ответить на некоторые вопросы
Азриэль: Даже и не думал.

Undertale AU Storyshift Frisk Undertale персонажи Asgore Chara Undertale комикс длиннопост без перевода Vulkin ...Undertale фэндомы 
