The scene that might play when you fight Sans by Fourth-Star / Frisk :: Sans :: Undertale комикс (Undertale комиксы) :: Undertale персонажи :: Undertale :: фэндомы

Sans Undertale персонажи Frisk Undertale комикс ...Undertale фэндомы 
looks like you managed to get past my к brother's very special attack, uh. that's impressive.
v is there
on the roof?
- i dunno,that's L what snow does.
r anyway, ^ guess it's my turn to try and к capture you.
r no hard ^ feelings, kiddo, but i got a job к to do.
sentry and all, re member?
looks like you managed to get past my к brother's very special attack, uh. that's impressive. v is there on the roof? - i dunno,that's L what snow does. r anyway, ^ guess it's my turn to try and к capture you. r no hard ^ feelings, kiddo, but i got a job к to do. sentry and all, re member? W so eventhough^^e we're pals, don't think” i'm gonna throw you . a bone. woops. r that was fun. but after all that exercice, . i need to get some grub. lly are >ne, kid, i don't have the heart to ^keep going. r i'm going to grillby's. wanna ^^tag along? j know a great ^^^M^^^^^shortcut. ^
Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы
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а. Ьес 'hey, wanna see a cool trick?
и л listen Krd, uja need those bullies \o Mink ujou'rt, Steorqer -Hwi ij\pu reailtj are. 1	^^7 -о	
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