Dogs of Future Past by Lynxgriffin (эпилог)
i'll hafta tell paps to throw some of those into his next spaghetti experiment. heh, sorry, didn't mean to rub your nose in it. you know my bark is worse than my bite, doncha? PONT YOU PAPÉ/ л\ NT I just canine resist a good joke. X YÉAH, VOU UU6T TP Y BÉINó STUCK A6 A POó POP WHO-KNOWS-HOW-UONÓ ANP SÉÉ IP IT poésnt... PU É...OPP ON YOU... THÉ Л70/ WHÉN i UOAPÉP MY SAVÉ PIUÉ TO COMÉ ßACK TO THÉ PPÉSÉNT... VMÉ WÉPÉ OUTSIPÉ OP TIMÉ ANP SPACÉ/ well...all the dogs in that amalgam are accounted for. your ling around in the timeline must've...i dunno, copied another version of the SAVE file outside the timeline, and brought back the original version of the dog to where you started with him. YÉS, SUT...WÉ STIUU A VÉPSION OP ÓPÉATÉST POó IN THAT VOIP 6PACÉ/ / i WHAT AßOUT HIM?/ so...wait, lemme get this straight. you all left a dog in a place outside of time ana space, where it could potentially access any point in time and space. YÉAH. with tons of knowledge of future events. YÉAH... rs isrffis and you last left it with godlike abilities. WÉUU..YÉAH... <? THE END
Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Undertale персонажи,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,lynxgriffin,Frisk
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