[EARLY BETA TEST] V0.06B hahaha flflflflflfl asreil: fuck hitme: what hte heck the box just gltihed out! ilost shit undyny: plz dont yiff the flower Billy: undertale tttrraashh * & aids joined the underground! Papyru: how do you beat undyne AHHHH joined the underground! sam: holy shit that just happened mrkplr: this game is cancerrr. > [Chat Here] (APPBOVED BV TOBV FOX, SO STOP ASKING) (PBESS CV3 TO CHAT! MOBE INFO AT ”UHDEBTALEMULTIPLAYEB.COM”)
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Или представь PVP по типу "кто метче прицелится, тот победил". Примерно как КС, но с кинжалами и балетками.