~I know they want to go hone, but. . .
*They don’t know what it takes. шНГЬ ~There’s no way S3
hard if they did.
*• Even though every single nonster we meet tries to kill them, they’ve never raised a finger to them once.
~I don’t have the heart to tell them myself. .. *They’ve worked so hard to
*R long tine ago, nonsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky.
*If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would cone
*flow, all we have are these sparkling stones on the^^
^Thousands of people wishing together eon’t he wrong* ЩГ ,*The king will prove that.J
ГТОГ7 Gist 1
^So, like, us Royal Guards are blocking off the, \ . elevators for now.__
*Uait, guards?
»Sorry. . . Undyne, like' told us there was totally a human in thej area.
|*Mgaht Even if the elevators aren’t working anyway, we’ 11 do our best, ms. Undynef _____