Umm... Hi?
Pamphlets, ^/7ave a\ot.
That flower sure liked to smile. / hoped it liked my reading suggestion.
/ compile them all together in what / call snail facts... Wait, I'm rambling again.
Oh, / enjoy reading. / have lots of books.
/ have a\ot about snails.
^ Oh. t do not consume organic matter for ^repieniahmen f.
f txh> л »«V*r*py tobereyov \^Ыгф. >s
/ / /VWtfA m<w \ consuming ati information about \vour anail fact*, s
'Thi+h*rr*v \
un<r ЖррМГ9 to | AJVV П£**г iw/1 У
/>U»P u##
ТЫ* information \ mV/ heip me in recruiting potential onaii* int
* Hi? Vou must
be new around here.
* It’s soo nice to see a new face.
* So let me giue you some friendly aduice
* It’s kill or be killed in this world.
Oh, that isn’t a problem. I’m used to that.
ou hauen’t by any chance.
• Seen a group of
• Small kids?
• Specifically a small boy