ЦОЖМГ1 4. ^ ^ W а* / ^ / Jit \J ' a . j >Tft< 1 I Hr rf** 4 \JPH& f . A ‘ 4 \ • *^ i" V| **7 / Frisk :: Sans :: Undertale персонажи :: Undertale :: фэндомы

Sans Undertale персонажи Frisk ...Undertale фэндомы 

ЦОЖМГ1 4. ^ ^ W а* / ^ / Jit \J '		a . j >Tft<					1 I	Hr rf** 4 \JPH& f		. A ‘ 4 \ • *^ i" V| **7 I 1 A]^B|
шаУ в^яа^К^^^ ж , ч ?-£		^-Г й/>ж,ьИ\л	P Ш&*” - *V Л	гмЯ*'			j iQjfJ		• ^VW^ *	
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JLfcJ^ Jp ; - ••» « !•'		^ - <T , t			Vj '■

ЦОЖМГ1 4. ^ ^ W а* / ^ / Jit \J ' a . j >Tft< 1 I Hr rf** 4 \JPH& f . A ‘ 4 \ • *^ i" V| **7 I 1 A]^B| шаУ в^яа^К^^^ ж , ч ?-£ ^-Г й/>ж,ьИ\л P Ш&*” - *V Л гмЯ*' j iQjfJ • ^VW^ * jrt^T 4 '/ / jfcy' ,^/T ’" ]j [u w I .-' > _^fl LflyflS JLfcJ^ Jp ; - ••» « !•' ^ - <T , t Vj '■ ч' « ^чНн^ННН^^НЁррр
Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Undertale персонажи,Frisk
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Undertale OST: PS4 Theme,People & Blogs,Undertale,OST,Playstation 4,Sony,Toby Fox,The official Playstation 4 theme music for Undertale.

. ■*

Hey there, buddy! Welcome to Sons'
The owner's on break.
though. If there's anything you goatta buy, you'll have to-
Say, I’d like to know nore about this ’’befriending” thing Kris told ne you did with our nother.
Ihe nane’s fisriel.

Undertale фэндомы Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr Undertale персонажи Sans Gaster Kris (Deltarune) Deltarune персонажи Deltarune yukimura-4

 . ■* Jl il Hey there, buddy! Welcome to Sons' The owner's on break. though. If there's anything you goatta buy, you'll have to- Say, I’d like to know nore about this ’’befriending” thing Kris told ne you did with our nother. Ihe nane’s fisriel.
gqm£ M tHnSMH cm® © KIlOiMnHS1?


yukimura-4 Frisk Undertale персонажи Undertale фэндомы Chara

lMMg№pF@£(M& gqm£ M tHnSMH cm® © KIlOiMnHS1? ROBOT GHOST SKELETON QMi) gmamfmgniftig