что-то важное, а может и нет / Endertale :: Chara :: Undertale персонажи :: TC-96 :: Undertale :: фэндомы

Chara Undertale персонажи Endertale TC-96 ...Undertale фэндомы 

что-то важное, а может и нет

I really didn’t think I’d have to put this up but if I get one more lecture from somebody I might lose my mind, forive me if I start getting snippy in this.
I am very much aware of the whole “The player did it” storyline, and that it’s the person
OK I really didn’t think I’d have to put this up but if I get one more lecture from somebody I might lose my mind, forive me if I start getting snippy in this. REGARDING CHRRR IN MY COMIC SERIES ENDERTRLE: I am very much aware of the whole “The player did it” storyline, and that it’s the person playing the game who is the grand puppet master, that we are all lower than pond scum evil and we should all be ashamed of ourselves, whatever, etc Chara is not to blame, yadda yadda. I have done my research, I wouldn’t start a whole comic series without knowing the game well enough. HOWEVER My story does not, I repeat, does not include “The Player” and I’m not bringing that in at any time, I have a planned story layed out, and that story does require an antagonist. Rnd before all the Chara rights activists once again come to rip mg head off for throwing Saint Chara under the bus, I do not make one-dimentional villains, I have a reason why I’ve made this Chara like this. Keep in mind that this is still the beginning of the storg, we still don’t know their motivation, why they’re like this, or even if this is the same Chara that died. find—i-f—flsriel—wag toohnioally -the-v-H-lain f or—the-game7—then heaven forbid Chara is made the villain for a fan sequel, right?.. . This is MY interpreatation of Chara, MY interpretation of how the story could have gone, so PLEASE just keep the Chara lecture to yourselves and just wait until we have more story. I really don’t want to keep explaining myself about this again and again. This have been a rant by an over-tired art college student. Mg apologies again but like I said, if I didn’t get this off my chest I’m pretty sure I’d explode. . .
Undertale,фэндомы,Chara,Undertale персонажи,Endertale,TC-96
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Разъяснение по поводу комикса Endertale.
TL;DR: "Хватит втюхивать мне теорию про "Игрок - главный злодей", я ее прекрасно знаю, но в моем комиксе Игрока как концепта нету. Кара - глав. антагонист, но это не значит, что я ее/его буду делать плоским злодеем. Моя интерпретация - что хочу, то и делаю"
ProFox ProFox 12.10.201618:12 ответить ссылка 2.1
Прочитал сегодня этот пост. Он адресован защитникам прав Чары, который с пеной у рта пытались доказать автору, что Чара - хорошая, в геноциде виноват игрок и т.д. Поскольку к переводу никаких подобных комментариев даже близко не было - решил не постить.
clif08 clif08 12.10.201618:14 ответить ссылка 2.5
"Endertale" и "TC-96" в теги.
Olaf785 Olaf785 12.10.201618:40 ответить ссылка 0.0
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*■ I’ve only had Astell for a couple of months. * But if anything happened to her, I uould kill everyone in this room and then myself.