UT Storyshift (Shift 1) HOTLAND Part 6
Хэя, после столь долгого отсутствия я наконец вернулся, я тут немного увлёкся фан играми Fnaf World (не судите) а потом меня подхватила волна хайпа FNAF Sister Location и я не мог это пропустить, небольшая инфа оказывается у автора комикса по Storyshift есть страница или что то подобное на тумблере так что вот автор: http://ut-storyshift.tumblr.com/
Большое количество мух будет как бы колебаться или висеть рядом с краями, так что игрок не может полагаться на них (на края поля) и мухи летят в сторону души одна за другой.
Нет больше атак которые можно показать, иными словами остальные атаки те же как и в оригинале.
Нет больше атак которые можно показать.Это частично скрыто, но часть круга бабочек по настоящему избегает людей полагающихся на края.
Нет больше атак которые можно показать. (Ааргх, иногда это реально сложно перевести правильно подобные примечания автора)
Преследующий Орб находится в секции Угловых Орбов.Кресты остаются позади на поле атаки дольше ну или с задержкой.
Нет больше атак которые можно показать.
Утренние звезды (кто не знает это то оружие которым она вооружена) быстрее и могут фальшиво атаковать, где они только могут упасть до головы оружия перед отступлением.Кометы быстрее.
Нет больше атак которые можно показать.
* & » Ring. . .
* Click. . . 1
* Final Froggit was already there, waiting for gou excitedly. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
¥ * Final Froggit SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* * Check * Compliment * Threaten * Flirt * Play * Leap SHIFTS' LUI HP ■ 2B ^ 2D
* FINAL FROGGIT - HTK 30 DEF 24 * The future shines due to an idol’s encouragement. SHIFTS LUI hp ■ 2B ^ 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT виз
* The battlefield is filled with the smell of mustard seed. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
¥ * Final Froggit SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Check V * Compliment * Threaten * Flirt * Play * Leap SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Vou compliment the Final Froggit. It understood gou perfectly. Its ATTACK dropped. shift» lh i hp b an . an
* Vou are intimidated by Final Froggit’s strength. Truly. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
¥ * Final Froggit SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Check * Compliment * Threaten ¥ * Flirt * Play * Leap SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Vou say you don’t need to kiss anyone to find your happy endiny. shifts' lii i hp b an . an
Ml * Final Froggit understands EXACTLY what gou mean. SHIFTS' LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D HainiiMl ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
Jk * The audience whispers with intrigue. shift» L|l 1 HP I 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
Ml Ä ¥ * Final Froggit SHIFTS' LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D HainiiMl ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
Ml * Vou say that their spiky skin doesn’t stop them from lookiny cuddly. f HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D nTTiiMmraii ■EGKE1
Ml * They seem unsure of how to respond. f HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
Ml * The audience is on the edge of their seats? fUIFTif Lll 1 hr | 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
Ml Ä ¥ * Final Froggit SHIFTS' LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D HainiiMl ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Vou motion to their crown and ask if their throne is a two seater. SHIFT» LI) 1 HP ■ 2B S 2D tmniiiMI ■EGKE1
Ml ¡Ши * They accept your advances? SHIFTS' LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D HainiiMl ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
Jk ¡Ши * The audience cheers in gleeîî SHIFTS' LU 1 hr 1 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
Ml * FINAL FROGGIT - HTK 3 DEF 24 * The future shines with a new light. f HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
*_»* * VOU WON? * Vou earned B XP and 5B gold. shift» lii i hp b an . an )HCT n*HA
* Astigmatism drew near with an extra twitch in their limbs. shift» lii i hp b an . an )HCT n*HA
V * Astigmatism SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
¥ * Check * Pick On * Fake Attack * Don’t Pick On * Question * Criticize SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* ASTIGMATISM - ATK 32 DEF 26 * This relentless bully ALWAYS gets its autograph. SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an garni!» HCT Riiaii X
SHIFTS' ввил LI) 1 2D ^
* Astigmatism clicks its teeth. SHIFTS' LU 1 HP 1 21 / 2D □a<n!ii )RCT m»ii X m
V * Astigmatism SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Check * pick On * Fake Attack * Don’t Pick On * * Question * Criticize SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Vou ask why Astigmatism is so pushy. * They ignore you. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Astigmatism gives gou a hgpnotizing glare. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D )RCT шш
V * Astigmatism SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Check * pick On * Fake Attack * Don’t Pick On * * Question * Criticize SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Vou ask why Astigmatism is so pushy. * They try to ignore you. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
■t. J fW * They seem uncomfortable. * The audience whispers among themselves. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D X
V * Astigmatism SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
* Check * pick On * Fake Attack * Don’t Pick On * * Question * Criticize SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* Vou ask why Astigmatism is so pushy. * They cave in. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
13Ы* М!ИИН
* Astigmatism is very uncomfortable with their actions. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D )RCT шш
V * Astigmatism SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
¥ * Check * Pick On * Fake Attack * Don’t Pick On * Question * Criticize SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
* ASTIGMATISM - ATK A DEF 26 * They are questioning the way their life has gone. SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an garni!» HCT Riiaii X
* VOU WON? * Vou earned B XP and 65 gold. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
AV 4» (S) »«у WV' J !>' * IJhimsalot rushed in on Undyne’s word? fUIFTif LUI HP ■ 2B ^ 2D □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV V» (S) O' J !>' * WHIMSRLOT - RTK 34 DEF 12 * It finally started listening. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
SHIFTS' LI) 1 2D ^ 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Smells like nightshade and bleach. fUIFTif Lll 1 hr | 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise Mhimsalot’s skill in battle. * They take this modestly. SHIFT» LI) 1 HP ■ 2B S 2D ■EGKE1
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
AV Чз* (S) SWV< J !>' cflflp gfl¡p Ht SHIFTS' LU 1 hr I 21 / 2D
AV Va» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot flutters silently. fUIFTif Lll 1 hr | 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise the fear they strike into the hearts of foes. * Their wings flutter with pride. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
AV v» (S) J !>' * The audience wonders where this is going. SUIFTSH LU 1 hp | 21 / 2B □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise the terror inflicted on Astigmatism in their younger days. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D
AV 4» (S) »«у J !>' * IJhimsalot is on the defensive. fUIFTif LUI HP ■ 2B ^ 2D □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise the lack of apologies given to angone theg wrongfully harmed. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise how expectant they are that Astigmatism will just let this be. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D tmniiiMI ■EGKE1
AV Va» (S) J !>' * Vou praise how Astigmatism changed because of their actions. S HIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ■EGKE1
AV Чз* (Я) o' J !>' * IJhimsalot breaks down at your poison-coated sweet talk. SHIFTS' LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
AV Va» (S) J !>' * The audience is dead silent. fUIFTif Lll 1 hr | 21 / 2D □awiii )RCT
AV Чя» (S) J !>' * IJhimsalot suif TV LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Н?1И!|ДИ ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩЩШ
AV V» (S) O' »> J !>' * * Check * Console * Pray * Spar * Praise * Guard SHIFT» lii i hp b an . an
AV 4» (S) J !>' * WHIMSRLOT - НТК 2 DEF 12 * H noble cause can only justify so much remorse. f UIFTS LU 1 HP ■ 2D S 2D Hain;iMl ШНЗЯИШЯ1 ЩШШ
* VOU WON? * Vou earned B XP and 55 gold. shift» lii i hp b an . an
¿t is t t v^© %&- nia Si* * Madjick pops out of its hat with a small bang? SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D ВЖ9 )RCT mm ХПЕ
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* * Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t * Talk * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D
* MADJICK - НТК 29 DEF 24 * This enemy can only speak in mayio words when annoyiny people. illiriil LH 1 HP | 21 / 2D
t t nia Nr
* Madjick does a mysterious jig. shift» lii i hp b an . an
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t * Talk ¥ * * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D
* Vou ignore Madjick and think of pollen and sunshine. Your DEFENSE increased by 1. SHIFTS' LH 1 hr | 21 / 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
* Madjick whispers arcane swear words. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D шЛШ )RCT mm ХПЕ
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t ¥ * Talk * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D ХПЕ
* Madjick interrupts you by chatteriny to themself. They seem preoccupied. SHIFTS' LH 1 hr | 21 / 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
¿t is t t v^© %&- nia Si* * The audience tries to make out the meaning of the words. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D ВЖ9 )RCT mm ХПЕ
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t ¥ * Talk * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D ХПЕ
* Madjick interrupts you by chatteriny to themself. They are still lost in thouyht. SHIFTS' LH 1 hr | 21 / 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
* The orbs swirl in circles as Madjick brainstorms. SHIFTS' LI) 1 2D ^ 2D ШМП )RCT BMÜI
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t ¥ * Talk * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D ХПЕ
* Madjick finally notices your attempts at conversation. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t * Talk * Clear Mind V * Encourage 2B -- 2D
* You say that whoever you’d yet a yift for would love it from you. * But yrab both to spoil them. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
SHIFTS' LUI нр ■ 2B ^ 2D » R CT шш
* Madjick is counting up their last paycheck for later. SHIFTS' Lll 1 hr I 21 / 2D
¥ * Madjick SHIFTS' LU 1 нр I
* * Check * Stare * Brandish SHIFT» Lll 1 hp | t FIGHT HGT t * Talk * Clear Mind * Encourage 2B -- 2D
* MADJICK - ATK 9 DEF 24 * Rich in spending time on what they love. shift» lii i hp b an . an
* VOU WON? * Vou earned B XP and 7B gold. shift» lii i hp b an . an
* Knight Knight blocks the wag with a roar? shifts' lii i hp b an . an
v * Knight Knight shift» lii i hp b an . an
* * Check * Sing * Pun SHIFTS' EffiQ * Talk * Congratulate * Challenge 2B -- 2D
* KNIGHT KNIGHT - HTK 36 DEF 36 * This megaton mercenary wields the Good Morningstar with purpose. shift» lii i hp b an . an
13Ы* DE - DE ■ dH I ni filJIH5
SHIFTS' ввил LI) 1 2D ^ 2D
* Knight Knight’s armor emits a dark sheen. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
v * Knight Knight shift» lii i hp b an . an
* Check * Sing * Pun SHIFTS' EffiQ * Talk V * Congratulate * Challenge 2B -- 2D
* Vou clap your hands for Knight Knight. She doesn’t get it. shift» lii i hp b an . an
X 13Ы* DE - DE ■ dH I Щ filJIH5
* The audience nods in understanding. shift» lii i hp b an . an
v * Knight Knight shift» lii i hp b an . an
* Check * Sing * Pun SHIFTS' EffiQ ¥ * Talk * Congratulate * Challenge 2B -- 2D
* Vou try to keep the gifts a secret, find fail. shift» lii i hp b an . an
13Ы* DE - DE ■ dH I ni filJIH5
shifts' lii i hp b an . an / FIGHT »H1?T * &ITEn xflERCY
* Knight Knight tries to hide her excitement. It’s rather cute. shifts' lii i hp b an . an
v * Knight Knight shift» lii i hp b an . an
* Check * Sing * Pun SHIFTS' EffiQ * Talk V * Congratulate * Challenge 2B -- 2D
* Vou clap your hands for Knight Knight. * She understands now. shifts' lii i hp b an . an
13Ы* DE - DE ■ dH I ni filJIH5
* Isn’t someone in love just the sweetest? SHIFTS' LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
v * Knight Knight shift» lii i hp b an . an
* * Check * Sing * Pun SHIFTS' EffiQ * Talk * Congratulate * Challenge 2B -- 2D
* KNIGHT KNIGHT - HTK 10 DEF 36 * Wonder if they got anything extra for her. SHIFT» LI) 1 2D ^ 2D xHE
* VOU WON? * Vou earned B XP and 75 gold. shift» lii i hp b an . an
* Thank you ever so for this happiness.
* Undyne is still on the hunt but the time needed to finish the episode goes on for longer.
* Hll of us that were shown mercy will stall for you to escape.
* I wish you luck and that you are as kind to all others.
V 1 Л'»i ^ K J ÿ * km* \i}\ ъ K J ÿ* km* Vil fc U J ÿ* i-: îi Vil t P! J ÿ* km* и îi ^ P! J ÿ* kM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ* kM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ * kM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ* kM* Vu ^ P! J ÿ* kM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ* KM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ* KM* Л '»! fc P! J ÿ* KM* Y}\ \ P! J ÿ* KM* Vil fc P! J ÿ* KM* %r*\ fc P! J M, KM* X 1 41 X
А ' hí i- V 0 I II í- 0 Ti [i.1 ■' i V 1 11 ti J í- 0 Ti ll.1 ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 ti J i- 0 Ti 1 !•' ■' 1 V 1 1 1 IÏ i í- 0 h K:i-1 1 1 1
Left Floor 1 Right Floor 1 Cancel Right Floor 2 * Left Floor 3
* Click. . .
* My fave Undyne Moment(TM)? * When she yives her foes a chance to fiyht back.
* Their souls turn and they can shoot spears. a weird color away oncoming
* It’s always a blast to see her manager in the middle of a swarm of spears.
* Op whatever a is called.
* My fave Undyne Moment(TM)? * When she yoes into an absolute frenzy on injured foes.
* She cuts off at the very end, but man is it brutal to see someone right on the edge.
* Normally she gives them some free food, but I doubt that will happen with you.
* Ho offense human, not really the type when mad. but she’s to hold back
Undertale,фэндомы,Undertale AU,Storyshift,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Undyne,Kniht Knight. Astigmatism,Final Froggit,Madjick,Whimasalot,Asgore,без перевода,длиннопост,Knight Knight,Astigmatism,Whimsalot