Sans :: Frisk :: Undertale комикс (Undertale комиксы) :: Undertale персонажи :: Undertale :: фэндомы

Frisk Undertale персонажи Sans Undertale комикс ...Undertale фэндомы 

Hey, when we’re finished with this thing or Minever, are you gonna teach ne to use "shortcuts’? Hehe.
Oh cone on, Sans! Don’t pretend it’s not a big deal. I’ue asked you about it before and you haven’t even explained it to ne, let alone offered to teach ne.
*well... it seems fair, all things
Think of it likp... a uhitPboard? When uou prA^p -ionothino And drAu on it AgAin, it’s still thp sAIK* UhitPbOArd.
Up CAn’t junp Around, pithpr... Not likp in thP novics, AnyUAy. Mp CAn rpturn to nriicr SAVPS, but thAt just ncAns thp tincinp is intcrfrrcd with At A 1AtPI* dAte. There’s only two
*so there really aren't other timelines? ...that's a bummer.
Heyyyy I though you said you were happy with the way things are!
*yeah sure, but when i miss the bus or stub my toe or drop my sandwich on the floor, it was nice thinking that there was a timeline where i was having a better day.

Hey, when we’re finished with this thing or Minever, are you gonna teach ne to use "shortcuts’? Hehe. Oh cone on, Sans! Don’t pretend it’s not a big deal. I’ue asked you about it before and you haven’t even explained it to ne, let alone offered to teach ne. *well... it seems fair, all things considered, and besides, you're grown now. i think i can trust you to use it without getting stuck in a wall or Oh wow, thank you!! *i don’t even know if you can learn it... don't thank me yet. Hey, you »anna learn hou to use the "save" function? *uh... i don't think monsters can use anything like that. Sure they can. flsriel can. *what?! ...right... i guess forgot about that... *how do you guys even Keeo track or timelines? It... doesn’t uork like that. Wow, you’re usually the one who has the upper hand when we talk about this stuff. *well gecz, kid! this is exactly the kind of stuff we're trying to figure out! how does it work? You obviously know nore about the actual science of it than I do, so naybe I’n wrong. But in ny experience it’s not a "nultiuerse" thinq. I nean... If you say there are miltiple universes, I believe you. But for ne, Chara and Bsriel there only seens to be one tineline. When we "load a "save", it’s a rewrite... not a uhole new world we create. Like______________________we’re not gods, you know? I always assune you’re joking when you talk about "other Sanses"... There aren’t other Sanses, at least not to ny knowledge. Like... it’s always uou, just different stuff happens.
Think of it likp... a uhitPboard? When uou prA^p -ionothino And drAu on it AgAin, it’s still thp sAIK* UhitPbOArd. Up CAn’t junp Around, pithpr... Not likp in thP novics, AnyUAy. Mp CAn rpturn to nriicr SAVPS, but thAt just ncAns thp tincinp is intcrfrrcd with At A 1AtPI* dAte. There’s only two choices - load a savp And lose your progress, or live with your actions. 8ut thAt's really proves it's only one tineline. Things aren't gonna change in between if ue go skip forward. Me still have to live all the tine in between if we want to change anything. Uh-uhich of course up don’t actually do anynore. Or at least we try really hard not to. It gets a little confusing sonetines because we all *fppl* it. Crtara uses it the nost... generously, and it’s annoying when we have to sit through two days All over again just so Chara can use A cool coneback, but he could go a lot deeper so we tend to let is slide. But I don’t think it's even globAl... Me haven’t noticed Any chAngeS in world events when we change things, even local news seens to stay the sane. I won't pretend we’re not powerful, but upVp not... that powerful. Between you and ne____ I think I night be just a little nore "gifted* than rtsriel or Chara because... №11... Sonetines I "see" things that they don’t, and I also retain what seens like a lot nore nenories than they do. (Unless they’re keeping sonething fron ne, I guess.) I'n not really sure how to teach you, but I can tell that you ’see* sone of the things that I do, and uith what you can do already___I’n alnost positive you can do it. I’n sure you have a lot better uses for ft than ne, anyway. So what do you say? Manna learn to "save“? *wow that’s.... a really appealing offer, oh boy is it ever. but... i think we better not... at least not now. it’s a lot to process... when i think about it i guess i get on you a lot about "responsibility", but me? i wouldn't even know where to begin using a power like that, the possibilities are... kinda staggering. You don’t wanna learn it just for the sake of, I don’t know, control? You don’t HflUE to use it, but naybe it’d be good to know how to do anyway, just in case... Uhat if sonething happens? *... i'm more than content to live in your world. SANS? ’■'Frisk... you know i trust you, right? Un... Well... Yeah, I hope you do. But no natter how good I want to be, I’n still only one person, you know? •you're the most remarkable person i know, i feel safe knowing you have the power you do. You____You do? •yeah, actually, look, maybe some day i'll be ready to be your... heh... partner in time, but for now... *i know that might be kinda hard for you to believe, but... the way i feel now? there's no place i'd rather be. *hey, don’t cry. Shut up? You were *i just want you to understand... stuff.
*so there really aren't other timelines? ...that's a bummer. Heyyyy I though you said you were happy with the way things are! *yeah sure, but when i miss the bus or stub my toe or drop my sandwich on the floor, it was nice thinking that there was a timeline where i was having a better day. It’s tough being
Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы
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Я тоже частенько думаю о том, что если сейчас я облажался, то какой-то другой я сделал всё правильно. И мне становится грустно, что этот я - не я.
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