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Charisk Chara Frisk Asgore Toriel Jacky-Bunny UT/DR characters Asgore Dreemurr UT/DR UT/DR comics Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR ...Undertale фэндомы Undertale персонажи UT shipping #Undertale/Deltarune 

viantai c/.c, ft Just because * you discovered flsgore's hentais and I told you about snails mating in school.... i doesn't mean you have to try it? Vou are young and your whole life is ahead of you? Stay innocent until you find true love? To be honest, I think I'm old enough to decide what

viantai c/.c, ft Just because * you discovered flsgore's hentais and I told you about snails mating in school.... i doesn't mean you have to try it? Vou are young and your whole life is ahead of you? Stay innocent until you find true love? To be honest, I think I'm old enough to decide what happens to my body. And by the way, Chara does a great job. Don't do experiments with your body just because you saw it somewhere? Eh m-may I say some If you ask me.... They aren't children anymore, I think you should let them decide what they want to A fl-and I guess you're just afraid to lose them, you don't want them to grow up because t-they should be your children forever..... Look what THIS is they are busy now, why don't we go back to our room? Hey at least
фэндомы,Undertale,Undertale персонажи,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,Charisk,Chara,Frisk,Asgore,Toriel,Jacky-Bunny,Undertale/Deltarune,Deltarune/Undertale,разное,UT/DR characters,Asgore Dreemurr UT/DR,UT/DR comics,Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR
Еще на тему
Я понял контекст, но мне слегка не ясно как тут воспринимать Фриск и Чару. Поскольку тут они выглядят почти средне между М и Ж я уловил юмор лишь на половину.
Нужна предыстория.
Есть демка
Hey Choraf Hey. wanna taie a trip to under there? Just because you discovered ASGORE's hentais and I told you about snails maiting in school that doesn't mean you have to try itf Uyh, whoa What? Under where? aerare young, and you? \head of you? Stay innocent • I a I m
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Feu decades later... C'picn flsriel! Ginne a kiss! ПОП Brings back memories, doesn't it? *о'£о<ъ*' Sadly it does... лдлч<‘> v\ev-P \\V Just accept your fate son. v

Undertale фэндомы Undertale персонажи Undertale шиппинг Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr Frisk Asgore Toriel

Feu decades later... C'picn flsriel! Ginne a kiss! ПОП Brings back memories, doesn't it? *о'£о<ъ*' Sadly it does... лдлч<‘> v\ev-P \\V Just accept your fate son. v