Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR :: Chara :: Froggit UT/DR :: Napstablook :: Toriel :: Flowey (Flowey the flower) :: Annoying Dog :: UT/DR characters :: UT/DR comics :: Undertale персонажи :: Undertale AU :: Undertale комикс (Undertale комиксы) :: Undertale/Deltarune (Deltarune/Undertale) :: Undertale :: Froggit :: hard--mode :: amalgarn :: фэндомы :: разное

Chara Flowey Toriel Napstablook Undertale комикс Undertale AU Annoying Dog amalgarn UT/DR comics Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR ...Undertale фэндомы Undertale персонажи #Undertale/Deltarune UT/DR characters hard--mode Froggit UT/DR Froggit 

Hane the fallen human. FRISK LJRRHIHG: This name will make your life hell. Proceed anyway? HRRDVMODE

Lmb C* rtoNsTE« «S щ тЩШт ■ *ч ж "ЩШ 1 Ьиглйо..,?И / ^)~v ■J|^rgl# V \ & ; я**#* Щщ Р Ц K.'vi \ о? place vk H>î5 +W+ÍV y Çk>\A#6f Сол / | (1 Ц Гсл ! щ рЩ МЮ1 ■Fu 1^1 I
r As rvwch <*s I WOV/№ liK<2 b, +h<sr£S ao ovf омег -ЬЬеге. TV\¿S »S OAÍj waj ► X С<аг\ $o- ^ rTbe^ {Л' YY* ^ ftrenit /Oi I леИ-.лл ferh-sriy^ |^HWL±hisJ^™i (vo!) ' Vd f iK> [ оР^Я l 1 \ f>— / / Æ
WNATtÏS- '1 МЛГпеё «jow: Tbí Oodera^wod is Л0 pi*c£ ^^Çor humArt^! j
If you lAlGrin I CMC fXW oi'I' rid of )0\) vt$\ my m*jîCA| J WteH> / f-Joty ShiUHiLl of Uyoa., Train5 Vo harm «a iririourit 8k Child! HRRD MODE
ЩЪ-КеЬ'ге ло? Moceof, f-ksjTe dangerous hi/wirt! Juif loolO Tf^M Sj^ÄNte л promise jo^ i ^ huma-fts «fe rtut «.s * dan^ef'Oül5 аь ;j°« thlrç/V X «m sure+^ej 0Щ3 , brou^f- oat tke línífcc L because ^ ^SíKreate ned t he m t¿rr ibU Suffj ícbout Krm. М^Плие ÍS ^wTorjel ^ END of OWTtR 1
Miss Tor i el, ^ rOAj I A5K 'jau <k s ^оетЬоО? /Clearjj l'w drearçin^ or ei*? i'v<?«J.<3d bot... |V*\ Confused *ib*f Hht £b*>er SaM. i G»oM ^ i е*у\<к,(\ ^ЬаВ I Assure \ ^oj, «¿©а are V pcrfv-ct^ ! Aieii* Fiowe^- that fíower flieh, WhAt he S<*»U is i r'lastC^ I trae... / These Tilias *re r p*rt of the ^nder^roaad where we Monsters тег* trapped L toa^. Unj «-$<>. There лге. c£ os, o* «ai S•tiipcbS sites... r\„bot ао^И hoKnaas. ^ £xce7*t £or i^oa no w, of L Coarse/ ^гПиЪ is a cUnjeroos ^ И лее, t ho« 3/1, M«.nj Monsters, (the ftome}, do Lhot trust bm^as. i
ТКm«.* tr^ to yo* (.the r If th*f ha.ppan.% ^üvà tr^ to SPARE them! Lotla^ ^oaN^ do dot fi^Kt ЬлсК, Io1* be £иге And ,tKej w¿i( learn $ua \ are not^ina tu
 •¿ч^Г 1 чк / > \ / VI [ ^ ГУ 1/Х J »л у ЧГ^гЛ. / ^ i К- X X >0 1 *' Х^1
Show, 1 st^ CJLS Л to here SMtU I ret am. ^ ^cVll me^4 witk, tit is CeU р/юпе if L a<f<fd rAh... Ab» I Hao^.
TüjK »joj fb;s “K? odhîceT but hov Oever nlnd See ^<4 £|о^£Г . 'STOP Р/ьHf THERE! sh¿ jUS-V "bid 'j0^* w +o uM«+ here

ugh, whatever. Can I just " sneak around somehow...? Hey! I can see you’re awakev Would you move it ' so I can get through? Don't make me push you. You’re following-?!

Jo)lHey, flower! 0 1 >
These books are all \ rather old. These are 1/ written in the language JU I of monsters. It is JiA I spoken the same as V I the human language y but the writing is a Jj little different, \ \ ___ ^■v isn’t it? < [This is, ah.. ' 1001 facts about snails I do not think you would be very interested in this. Let me find Ah! This one is a history book. Some knowledge of our history and culture could help you quite a
Flowey f I am about to teach the human some I of our history. I know you do not care ^ for them, but you are still welcome \ to come join us if you would like, a
^ What are ^— you doing here?! Miss Toriel, what i is he doing / r—\here?!? invited him Since you are going to be living k here, and since Flowey ^ visits this place often, I thought it would be necessary for No pie with storytime today? n\ Y ^ the two of you . \ to spend some 1 ] time together 1 V-v X and learn to ft get along. 1
know that you leave to see the rest of the underground often. , You know what it is like outside . these walls better than I do. If anything happens and the human gets outside... Could you please, please watch over them for me?

No promises Thank you TV so much, Flowey — The Underground is packed full of monsters who are eager to kill a human ----------------------v Trained professionals even. ■— ..... And they know any humans that fall down are going to come from ^^^^__That human’s going to be fighting for their life \from the moment they walk out that door. here am aware They only need one more soul. And that is why I desperately need L your help, j
Be good, won't you?

...did I just... .breathe her in...? I'm... I'm covered in her.

She did every single thing > she could to protect you and ll^^take care of you.^>-^ Y She gave you the world\ but said you couldn’t do one1 little thing so you KILL her. She forced me, what else was I supposed to do?!? I don’t know/f^TH P"* DO WHAT f SHE SAID? I OBEY HER? ¡17 But of courseW^ /# you didn’t! A wi I don’t know what iV f/expected! Everythingy i has to be YOUR WAY, 1 f how DARE anyone say V [ different. I should have ' taken my way and gotten rid of you in the first place
But that’s why you l killed her! To do [ [what you wanted! Humans don’t-I don’t have to always have L my way! . THEN WHY V IS SHE r LDEAD?^ There- There wasn’t ^ another option! She didn’t- > YOU WANT Another option? HERE’S AN OPTION, L- YOU SCUM! -> I KILL YOU! J HARD MODE
 ^Flowey! I swear I wasn’t trying to kill her! That last l hit wasn’t supposed to L do that, I don’t know j W^. what happened! f If you meant that you | already would’ve reset! I what? RESET TO BEFORE YOU KILLED HER! IF YOU REALLY WANT s. TO SAVE HER, . J YOU’LL DO IT A RESET ( you idiot! BEFORE I GET THE CHANCE TO KILL YOU MYSELF! - I don’t know how??

V I didn’t want to kill her I really didn’t want to. I didn’t know I could spare \her like that... Thank you. / See youT^-dumb flower! v-
And that's the end of Hard Mode No you don't. We're seeing where s. this goes. >

Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Toriel,Napstablook,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale AU,Froggit,Annoying Dog,amalgarn,hard--mode,Undertale/Deltarune,Deltarune/Undertale,разное,UT/DR characters,Froggit UT/DR,UT/DR comics,Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR
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