Susie (Deltarune) :: Kris (Deltarune) :: Krusie :: Deltarune персонажи :: UT shipping (Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping) :: Deltarune :: PowerJam :: Undertale :: фэндомы

Kris (Deltarune) Deltarune персонажи Deltarune Susie (Deltarune) Krusie UT shipping PowerJam ...Undertale фэндомы 

Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam

*Kris introduces you to their «onster Sirlfriend Susie
*wrote ме a sons on her bass suitar
*is a sooö bis sistet to
*SMeIls like a caMpfire
*she picks ме up and carries ме around ak
*b1ouis SMoke when she's flustered (so precious)
as a heart of Gold mder all those scales

her Mane is

krusieeveryotherday.tumblr.,Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam

tjiC,Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam

Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam

Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam


*Kris introduces you to their «onster Sirlfriend Susie *wrote ме a sons on her bass suitar *is a sooö bis sistet to *SMeIls like a caMpfire *she picks ме up and carries ме around ak *b1ouis SMoke when she's flustered (so precious) as a heart of Gold mder all those scales \10 her Mane is so luxurious Si ves better buss than My mom *could kick your ass with both feet tied behind head says she'll let Me paint her nails ‘please Don't tell her 1 tola you that... couldn't iMasine My life *breaths fire

Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,Susie (Deltarune),Krusie,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,PowerJam
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