___________-Э1ПС€ O Of tome so 5uu<2et i /e^»¿cn. Й?6АК<'. -OU1, S-Sus*! vie ouû^1» 1 was , '-'»crw KO£ ^ Cottoo С*Ъ* 011 tto Uk«>«f back; ^kjttie ¿ to^iS'
Let's q0 to the tons W tveat hula? tine caries cao t hoy the 3 of- v>5.. L»Dle55 ^OJ олеэп 3u5t...- и-us? 4e5,JU5t US 0-oh[ (jÿ-uue)l... don't sâfi и>Ьч not. 1 DiD haueo* Wde bен>ге.-.ж in...(*4 nice, i'll go oe the tKtóts l-1'Л uiait here! ФМ am! 5oWj5tewd? Kh? ;s 3uSt wy tHeoJ. they'd oe^.... v^-tïcfht?. sloeesh.. Olmdouin Moelt it's just ъ t-trieodN w.de.. ак>ое.(..
öjC've înthe Wnris uuheei toqethe*'.- 3looe... tto«4 asköd one ooc in ívh drc эм.. ал<а now weve here.. Did 2 seenth uusntV"s? to be oil th then toere ? Oh Moelle чоУге э noess... cUean.o«! ©bout 4°^ Ике to©t... Цеч Moelle,.
v № Pa-ha! this ¡S u^Hdtr this is dbowt! - AdôSSiC HriS Prank'. Wd¡ Чв5| ^ Q0t on and uuhe^ we oue/e attne Чои 5ta*te<l to Sinaia thecabmj A#] 4-<ta/ - (vie too/; * Ъое ioec< cAüäs tte>t'? 4osh MoeJle ^o¿>e ^^ireooetvibeir ouhat d»oi Иеие l3Stt.fv>e Э5 icids P V
S о, чо J uuaot to Sfcôft tHeO wln<>t ôirf Чсо Чо0а^сй5р ; I oojlb staPtlûS -; tell tHeoi uue'rë ooe \ kids ôo^r^ove <-ICojM.. Icoold^
A4 ЦсДт!, X éooîW dbôq oe Icb-e's Ре&э boutas, w/e ¿bout to hes»e Ы* bert debe of ^oof и
roly,Kris (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Undertale,фэндомы,noelle,Susie (Deltarune),Berdly,Ralsei,ralsei, Ralsei (Deltarune),Kriselle,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы
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