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end task

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Теги (через запятую):

Frisk Undertale персонажи Chara Undertale AU grouptale ...Undertale фэндомы 

Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

Л'**]рпОЛ rirr J § "P _ Qfi-8 г ? 1 8u g-^ |wn $д,Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

^OUL V*Wt <X iAA.(J |oC.Lrf!,Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

JjOlVx,Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale

Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Undertale AU,grouptale


underswap Undertale AU Undertale music подборка Remix длиннопост ...Undertale фэндомы 

Сегодня я выбрал музыкальную подборку из Underswap'а.

Сразу прошу прощения, если что-то из этого уже было раньше, сложно сделать подборку, т.к. часть уже была раньше в любом случае.


Frisk Undertale персонажи Toriel Asgore Undertale комикс UT/DR comics Toriel Dreemurr UT/DR #Undertale/Deltarune UT/DR characters Asgore Dreemurr UT/DR ...Undertale фэндомы 


Asgore Alphys Undyne Muffet Toriel Sans Frisk Chara Asriel Flowey ...Undertale фэндомы Undertale персонажи Yoki-doki Annoying Dog temmie Napstablook monster kid METTATON EX Papyrus 

 HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY UHDERTALE T,Undertale,фэндомы,Asgore,Undertale персонажи,Alphys,Undyne,Muffet,METTATON EX,Napstablook,Toriel,Papyrus,Sans,monster kid,Frisk,Chara,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Annoying Dog,temmie,Yoki-doki

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime JoJo Pose crossover Papyrus (undertale) Undertale персонажи Undyne Frisk ...Undertale фэндомы 

JoJo&#039;s Bizarre Adventure,JoJo,Anime,Аниме,JoJo Pose,crossover,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Undyne,Frisk,JoJo&#039;s Bizarre Adventure,Anime,fandoms,JoJo Pose,,papyrus,Undertale characters,undertale,undyne,Frisk

Asriel Undertale персонажи Asgore Toriel Flowey ...Undertale фэндомы 

 UJhctcdiJ <Ъ ° Г1- \ JSbdeoJr \ SOLV +vun 6* t-U. +о»Ыс 0 s©co4*s О,Undertale,фэндомы,Asriel,Asriel Dreemurr,Undertale персонажи,Asgore,Toriel,Flowey,Flowey the flower

Undertale AU Echotale gaster!sans Frisk Undertale персонажи ...Undertale фэндомы 

л -фгктт МоГЕ^ ft l&S CoWFosiow) JV) иСапог*, G'.doegin'-h Kave aw^_ rovnamti'c Connections -fa Frisk-(or amyann ...Yet Tril Soгц d-ea'clec, Ke l/vnjfo become oi ■ ■) fcbofale Й&5 a Sfror. romance element^ So +ry to see IF <*S я--fiction of fiction(V.) ®k.5oW£gg_ori4iVici | GaSterjXaHS

AfOtuJG- . ..Л1ИОSr Auwnys. AfeTIFici Au Wli-lWHiTe WHITf тщпешнс SwflueR. R665" щт f THFJItf Ofimpu- Cl O'Г fon'rDQm IT___ Тц/1 &« йшог ьМЯЮЕ ШЛУиЖ THiNMK «oimor ^/POdPOSt / COuLDN T Knu,7 DECIDE WHICH TO m Cool Ш// CG-jr < (tewusfHf g Smm boots - HtUTty WBTTiQ) Bec/WJt TOO

Undertale AU,Undertale,фэндомы,Echotale,gaster!sans,Frisk,Undertale персонажи

Undertale AU,Undertale,фэндомы,Echotale,gaster!sans,Frisk,Undertale персонажи

UMr i>ij) ItetiYoo Afeoor SmiAjfr, киг» GlWf'fllAT ШШГ WAKoH (fan os r rite f/Hie Heio#r ) m Попу teepj roayjij &tToe.r г MW oott* 1 nfeit ii u/ндт м/оийв I Do wirticwr Then ?!? Che tepi {indi"p +Ылдл af chectfi>intJ,'£»KS'i . JtalU ' ~tep mo Лад - M2P> РШ'5 feeder ГА№к/-си menus-oveiL

Due to popular demand, making actual refference sheets for these two ♥ This almost feels like a real AU now XD I was never friends with refs, so these are kinda’chaotic? Anyway, I tried to explain and show (and joke a bit). The kind of..disclaimer (?) up there is only to clarify some things. So people wouldn’t go on teasing Boru or Junky about Frisk, when they aren’t really a thing in the original! (yet….it might happen eventually, there was a Chisk lurking near G! in Junkpile’s version, ended up little Frisk…but they keep evolving G! in their way, making many cool headcanons there…. (like him apparently playing piano!). So these are made for the Echotale AU, if anyone is interested . Maybe I’ll make a headcanon post one day too ;) I am very happy this AU is embraced and loved, thank you so much for your support! Have fun with it! 



Underlie Sans Undertale персонажи Chara gasterblaster Undertale комикс Перевод перевел сам Undertale gif ...Undertale фэндомы 


Игры Frisk Asgore Undyne Toriel Sans Alphys Papyrus (undertale) Flowey Undertale спойлеры ...Undertale Undertale персонажи 

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры
Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

You have to stay determined...!

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

We're with you all the way!

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

We will always be there to protect you!

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

c'mon this weirdo's got nothing on you

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

Somehow, i know you can do it!

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры

Just do what i do...believe in you!

Undertale,Игры,Undertale персонажи,Frisk,Asgore,Undyne,Toriel,Sans,Alphys,Papyrus (undertale),Papyrus (ut),Flowey,Flowey the flower,Undertale спойлеры


Toriel Undertale персонажи Sans Flowey Frisk сделал сам длиннопост Undertale music ...Undertale фэндомы 


Вышло тут одно видео... оно полно СПОЙЛЕРОВ! Я вас предупредила. Как-то само собой начеркалось под впечатлением от увиденного. Что, если бы они реально к Фриск с этой песней подошли? Думаю, у неё открылись бы глаза. Определённо.

Видео + текст песни внизу

/I о ✓э V л— &■ лчяее of ^OU 4о Р iQyf ?* . Ь^еЯ- o^c c , v>^ OV *° *» ei^ д Sou/5 »У W<3y /,Toriel,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Frisk,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Undertale music

We three fates of Undertale
Beckon you to play!
Spare our lives, or harvest our souls!
It's up to you either way!

"Hey bud, you okay? No need to freak out or anything. It's just singing."

"And murder. I mean, music."

"Poor dear! We're here to help you!"

"Help me what?"

"Play Undertale!"

Use your love instead of your strength,
to make your foes your friends!
Every drop of innocent blood
will change how the story ends!

Though our king desires your soul,
a Pacifist will see-
It only takes a thoughtful Act
to set all monsters free!

"But, like, no pressure or anything."

"Yeah, REAL freedom's not letting some goatmom tell you how to play."


"Hey, if anybody's got a bone to pick, I'm sure this kid's full of them."

"That's not very funny..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

Still, you seem nice.
You may slip once or twice,
Who am I to judge or blame?

But I guess I'll keep track
Just to give you some flack
at the end of the game!

Talk or use silence!
Try murderous violence!
-I'm kidding, that's a crime.

And just so you know,
if you kill off my bro,
then you'll have a bad time!

Golly, gee! That sounds really great!
But let's try this instead:
Let's become the angel of death,

Kill them all! Destroy every beast!
Each woman, child and man!
Genocide's my only goal!
Destruction is my plan!

TORIEL: (simultaneously)
No! He's trying to use you, so
Don't let Flowey confuse you! I
Know he aims to seduce you and
ruin Undertale!

Stay determined! They'll guide you a-
-Stray! Know that you'll be lied to! You're
Brave -- I can see it inside you! I
Pray you never fail!

SANS: (simultaneous)
Look, I'm kind of a bonehead,
Not the brainiest guy... But
Even goofballs like me can
Read between the lines.

If you want to get dunked on,
I can give you a hand~
But where's the fun in a neutral run
if you're not friends with Sans?

FLOWEY: (simultaneously)
It's kill... or be killed!
That's how you play the game!
It's kill... or be killed!
Either way, it ends the same!

Everyone you loved...
Everyone you knew...
Everyone will die...
And they'll die because of you!

"None of this makes any sense to me..."

We three fates of Undertale
Don't know what you'll do!
Every path will impact us all,

For better or worse...
A blessing or curse...
Benign or adverse...

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